<script type="text/javascript">

Copyright (c) 2003. All Rights reserved.

If you use this script, please email me and let me know, thanks!

Andrew Hedges

If you want to hire me to write JavaScript for you, see my resume.



doc = document;

function init()
	// set up objects
	stob = doc.forms["teaser"].stayer;
	rob  = doc.forms["teaser"].randomer;
	swob = doc.forms["teaser"].switcher;

function proveIt()
	// create/clear out array
	doors = new Array(false,false,false);
	// reset tallies
	stwin  = 0;
	stloss = 0;
	rwin  = 0;
	rloss = 0;
	swwin  = 0;
	swloss = 0;
	// clear out textareas
	stob.value = "";
	rob.value  = "";
	swob.value = "";
	// loop through 100 times
	for (l=100;l>0;l--)
		// decide which door holds the prize
		d = rand(3);
		doors[d] = true;
		// randomly pick a door
		p = rand(3);
		// randomly remove one of the loser doors
		removed = false;
		while (!removed)
			r = rand(3);
			if (r != d && r != p)
				removedvalue = r;
				removed      = true;
		// for randomer, randomly switch/stay
		ss = rand(2);
		if (ss==0)
			// switch
			switchstay = false;
			while (!switchstay)
				s1 = rand(3);
				if (s1 != p && s1 != removedvalue)
					switchstayvalue = s1;
					switchstay      = true;
			// stay
			switchstayvalue = p;
		// for switcher, switch
		for (s2=0;s2<3;s2++)
			if (s2 != p && s2 != removedvalue)
				switchervalue = s2;
				switcher      = true;
		// determine outcomes
		// stayer
		if (d==p)
			stob.value = stwin + " Winner\n" + stob.value;
			stob.value = stloss + " Loser\n" + stob.value;
		// randomer
		if (d==switchstayvalue)
			rob.value = rwin + " Winner\n" + rob.value;
			rob.value = rloss + " Loser\n" + rob.value;
		// switcher
		if (d==switchervalue)
			swob.value = swwin + " Winner\n" + swob.value;
			swob.value = swloss + " Loser\n" + swob.value;
	// write final tallies
	stob.value = stwin + " winners\n" + stloss + " losses" + "\n-----\n" + stob.value;
	rob.value  = rwin  + " winners\n" + rloss  + " losses" + "\n-----\n" + rob.value;
	swob.value = swwin + " winners\n" + swloss + " losses" + "\n-----\n" + swob.value;

// The Central Randomizer 1.3 (C) 1997 by Paul Houle (houle@msc.cornell.edu)
// See:  //www.msc.cornell.edu/~houle/JavaScript/randomizer.html
// Usage: rand(n) returns random integer between 0 and n-1

rnd.today = new Date();
rnd.seed  = rnd.today.getTime();

function rnd()
	rnd.seed = (rnd.seed*9301+49297) % 233280;
	return rnd.seed/(233280.0);

function rand(number)
	return Math.ceil(rnd()*number)-1;